Thursday, November 20, 2008

I CANNOT believe this is the world I live in...

So, I was driving to work one day and surfing through the stations and stopped on one for some reason...maybe there was a song that I liked and then it ended and the morning show started talking again. Apparently, there is a man that was sentenced life in prison plus 80 years for running a family over in a parking lot. I'm assuming that sentencing someone LIFE in prison PLUS 80 years means that NO ONE wants that person to EVER get out of prison. He will DIE in prison??? Guess what...this man has leukemia and has now received $470,000 worth of treatment to help him live. I find this beyond ironic because he is in prison to do Die? How is it logical that this country has made it possible to spend $470,000 on a life that is simply over??? That money could have gone to all the families that have children with leukemia and cannot afford the treatment for the could've gone to a could've gone to a church or a private school for some kind of scholarship for someone who did not commit a horrible crime. I am just baffled that this happens...that money was just wasted on someone who will still die in prison and now we have to pay for him to live in prison...after we've already paid for his cancer treatments. Why does this happen?

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