Saturday, February 7, 2009

This IS the next 4-8 years...

It has been 18 days since the inauguration of our new president. I find myself, daily, sickened by the people's vote. I say that to tell you that I did not vote for Obama and also did not vote for McCain. It is a sad reality that neither candidate was worth voting for. I did vote and I don't consider my vote a waste. In the last election, I voted for Bush. It was my first Presidential voting experience and I was so excited to cast my vote. I was urged to vote for an independent but at that time, I felt like Bush must be better than Kerry. I casted my vote for Bush and thought that I was doing my part. This time, I felt like there was nothing in me that wanted to vote for either of them. Ultimately, I wanted to vote for Ron Paul. Up until the very last days, I still wanted to vote for him, knowing that my ballot would just be filed in the trash can. All this to's not like God doesn't know what He's doing. Let's be honest I really think that God has forgotten about us? No. Do I really think that God made a mistake in the election? No. So, on that note...I find peace. Thank you Lord for always knowing what is best for me and the ones I love. Thank you for taking care of Your people. It will be an interesting 4-8 years (only 4, I hope) but I'm in it for the long-haul. I do not like him (or anyone he's bringing in with him) but I'll support my president...because that's who he is.

I also must comment on a Dr. Phil episode I saw with Ann Coulter and Alan Colmes. I'm not much for watching the politics on TV because it just becomes a wrestling match but, it was interesting to listen to this debate. Ann pointed out that the republicans took this loss very gracefully. We did not see the republicans protesting and throwing a fit. That is quite a difference to what the liberals did when Bush was elected. Like I said...I'm in it for the long-haul. There is nothing I can do to change I will keep Obama in my prayers. It's not like God doesn't know what He's doing.

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